Resumen Descargar archivos mostrando ProgressBar

Mensaje enviado por Quintero Rojas Daniel <>

Download Files, with Progress Bar.

Category: Internet/ HTML
Level: Intermediate

Description: I have seen many download functions on PSC but none with any
progress bars. Still this is very simple I thought I would share this piece
of code with PSC. Please Vote if you found this useful.

Complete source code is at:

Compatibility: VB 6.0
Submitted on 11/18/2001 1:22:36 PM and accessed 187 times.

' Name: Download Files, with Progress Ba
' r.
' Description:I have seen many download

' functions on PSC but none with any progr
    ' ess bars. Still this is very simple I th
    ' ought I would share this piece of code w
    ' ith PSC. Please Vote if you found this u
    ' seful.
' By: [AKA]sassyboy
' Assumes:You must create a progressbar,
' nameed progressbar1. You must have an In
' et, named Inet1. From there you can use
' the command Download(URL, Destionation o
' f file.
'This code is copyrighted and has
' limited warranties.Please see http://w
' Id.28987/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode
' .htm
'for details.

Public Sub download(Url As String, Destination As String)
    Dim think As String
    think = 0
    Dim sentdata() As Byte
    If Inet1.StillExecuting = True Then Exit Sub
    sentdata() = Inet1.OpenURL(Url, icByteArray)
    ProgressBar1.Max = Len(Url)

    For x = Len(Url) To 1 Step -1
        think = think + 1
        ProgressBar1.Value = think
        If Left$(Right$(Url, x), 1) = "/" Then RealFile$ = Right$(Url, x - 1)
    Next x
    gotFile$ = Destination + "\" + RealFile$
    Open gotFile$ For Binary Access Write As #1
    Put #1, , sentdata()
    Close #1
End Sub

Lic. Daniel Quintero Rojas
Tel. Oficina (Meximed): (52) 5448-6700 Ext. 6719
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