Resumen Comparar dos archivos

Mensaje enviado por "Daniel Mas" <>

Hace poco alguien envio un mensaje preguntando como compara dos archivos.
Navegando he encontrado esto que igual les sea util.


PD : Gracias Humberto por tu consejo sobre el Crystal

Compare Two Files.

The code listed below compares the contents of two files. The
result is a determination whether the files have identical content.
This example used only Visual Basic code.

Other ideas: Add a progress indicator (% compare completed). Use
code similar to the SEEK VB example with this code to find
duplicate files on a disk.

Open "file1" For Binary As #1
Open "file2" For Binary As #2

issame% = True

If LOF(1) <> LOF(2) Then
  issame% = False
  whole& = LOF(1) \ 10000 'number of whole 10,000 byte chunks
  part& = LOF(1) Mod 10000 'remaining bytes at end of file
  buffer1$ = String$(10000, 0)
  buffer2$ = String$(10000, 0)
  start& = 1
  For x& = 1 To whole& 'this for-next loop will get 10,000
    Get #1, start&, buffer1$ 'byte chunks at a time.
    Get #2, start&, buffer2$
    If buffer1$ <> buffer2$ Then
     issame% = False
     Exit For
    End If
    start& = start& + 10000
  buffer1$ = String$(part&, 0)
  buffer2$ = String$(part&, 0)
  Get #1, start&, buffer1$ 'get the remaining bytes at the end
  Get #2, start&, buffer2$ 'get the remaining bytes at the end
  If buffer1$ <> buffer2$ Then issame% = False
End If


If issame% Then
  MsgBox "Files are identical", 64, "Info"
  MsgBox "Files are NOT identical", 16, "Info"
End If


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